innovation begins here


Free-Choice Learning

Connected Garden

Acts as a proof of concept to demonstrate how sensors can create data streams...

Deep Sea Discovery

Deep Sea Discovery is an augmented reality game based on physical exploration...

Dig It! Let's Build a Tunnel!

An interactive exhibit created for the Kentucky Science Center...

Gravitational Force

Designed as a classroom support tool for helping students learn....


Designed as a classroom support tool for teachers, to be used in...

Science Valley

Tackles arguably the two most important skills that all learners need...

Sea Creatures

MR Sea Creatures journeyed into the underwater habitat of prehistoric marine reptiles...

Open Science Resources

A pilot portal launched in the European Union countries...

Water's Journey Through The Everglades

Explores time, place and scale as museum learners explore...

Whole Body Metaphor

Metaphor-based Learning of Physics Concepts through Whole-Body Interaction...

Situational Awareness Training


Prototype simulation that allows learners to practice their social work interviewing...


A two-player serious game that explored how to protect your home against an impending hurricane.. .

Incident Command Training

Created in partnership with Orange County Fire & Rescue Department...

Lunar Lunge

Explored the application of immersive and intuitive MR simulation to capture and evaluate...


A testbed for military training simulations in the context of urban terrain...

RDECOM: Mixed Reality

Explore various hardware and software possibilities involving expanding the physical space through...

Simulation-Based Blended Learning System

A next-generation, simulation-based blended learning system that will allow...

Space Science and Spirituality

Brings together a research team of scientists, philosophers, and scholars in the humanities to investigate...

Synergistic Unmanned Manned Intelligent Teaming

Prototype a next-generation system for future manned-unmanned vehicle teams...

VR/AR Research Testbed for Unified Incident Command

Explores the ability of VR/AR to support gaining mastery in incident command...

Training Next Generation Talent


A physics-based game that uses an HMD to immerse a player on top of a skyscraper...

Canon, USA MREAL Incident Command

Scenario prototype as a discussion tool showcasing lab research at the...

Canon, USA Mixed Reality Competition

E2i partnered with Canon, USA to host the first ever Canon mixed reality competition...

Internships & Directed Independent Studies

E2i Creative Studio team members have a long history of engaging UCF students in meaningful internships...

Medical AR

Medical AR is an augmented reality game used to support the rehabilitation of lower leg amputees...

Muse(IQ)al Cubes

A proof of concept for a game that would teach music theory by playing with wooden blocks...


A hack-n-slash game with mini-games such as soccer (featured in the demo) and a special easter egg that requires platformer-like jumps...

Virtual Lake Eola Park

Used in a National Science Foundation application as a learning environment in a research project focusing on high-functioning young adults on the autism spectrum...

Healthy Living & Rehabilitation

Drama Rama 2013

A computer game prototype in which the avatars' verbal and non-verbal responses are tailored to the responses of the player

Drama Rama 2015

To empower Latina youth in making confident decisions in social situations involving risky decisions...

ER Pilot

Pilot project to look at helping nursing students better understand triage...

Finding the Balance

A mobile prototype where the player can choose different levels of glucose and physical activity...

Interactive Story for Chemotherapy Patients

Highlight the importance of taking care of themselves and making better self-care decisions at home...

MR Kitchen

A mixed reality experience that replicated the kitchen of a stroke patient...

MR Restaurant

Designed to measure the affective response of persons who stutter when presented with an everyday life experience...

MR Warehouse

An immersive scenario that explored at what point distractions become impediments to task success...

Pain Management

Research participants assumed the role of the nurse in the computer-based game and were responsible for pain management decisions...

Pain Management 2

Developed to help working nurses better understand patient pain following surgery...

Smash Me

A project to explore the feasibility of the mixed reality environment as a physical rehabilitation tool for patients needing...

Creative Consulting


The goal is to seamlessly combine the core elements of the classic theme park and science center, to challenge and inspire guests to...


Mission LEAP will allow MOSI guests to experience a simulated lunar outpost...

Emerging Research

Immersive Storytelling

We are living in the beginning of the age of Virtual Reality. Technologies that have taken decades for researchers to create are now being applied in...

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